
Hyde Park Town Council Mtg

Was invited to a Hyde Park Town Council Workshop last night . After hearing about a law that is being discusses, I had my moment with the council to speak about this project. Attending were Pompey Delafield, Hannah Black, Robert Linville, Robert Perkins and Valerie Hail. Plus, a smattering of media. The council was interested in the project and will be supporting it in any way possible. This meeting ran live on Ch22 Public Access. So, I'll be putting a copy of it up on the blog when it becomes available.

I also had the opportunity to meet with Herb and Barbara Sweet. As active members of the community, they gave me some great incite into people that I need to contact. They asked me to contact them with a list of names, as they volunteered to put a good word in.

Another member of the town administration that I met was Steve Hughes. As the town webmaster, Mr. Hughes has been documenting town events. He has said he can give me video of town council meeting, school district meeting, events, etc. This will be a great resource for material.